If you have unpaid awning or other accessory sign judgment violations, you may be eligible to pay a reduced amount to resolve them under the Awning and Accessory Sign Amnesty Program.

Both businesses and individuals can participate.

The program application period ended on February 4, 2020.

Only certain awning and accessory sign violations can receive amnesty.

To qualify, the violation must have been:

  • Issued by the NYC Department of Buildings (DOB)
  • Entered into judgment by the Office of Administrative Trials and Hearings’ (OATH) Environmental Control Board (ECB) before May 10, 2019

The Department of Finance (DOF) posted a list of the eligible judgment violations on their website. If your violation is listed, it’s eligible for the program.

Check the list of eligible violations.

Ineligible Violations

The following are excluded from the Awning and Accessory Sign Amnesty Program:

  • Criminal violations
  • Violations over $25,000 
  • Violations resulting from a condition which created an imminent threat to public safety or health

Other limitations, exclusions, and eligibility requirements apply.  

Violations Not Listed

If your violation doesn’t appear on DOF’s list, but you believe it’s eligible, you should confirm that the violation is in judgment and contact DOF.

If you verify that the judgment date was entered before May 10, 2019, you can submit an eligibility inquiry.

Request a violation eligibility review.

Step 1: Check the list of eligible violations. If your violation is listed, it’s eligible for the program.

Step 2: Correct the violation if it requires the condition to be fixed before being resolved. Learn more on the Department of Buildings Proof of Compliance to Correct ECB Violation page.

Step 3: Complete the online application. If your violation needs to be corrected, you must attach the Certificate of Correction from DOB to prove the condition has been corrected.

Step 4: Wait for DOF to review your application. If it’s been approved, you will get instructions on how to pay the amnesty amount.

Step 5: Sign the agreement and write a check for the settlement amount payable to “NYC Department of Finance” for the amount you owe.

Step 6: Mail the agreement and check to:

NYC Department of Finance
Awning and Accessory Sign Amnesty Program
59 Maiden Lane, 28th Floor
New York, NY  10038

Your agreement and payment must be postmarked no later than February 4, 2020.

Payments can only be made by mail. Online payments aren't accepted.

If your amnesty application is approved, you can resolve your violations by paying a reduced amount.

How much you must pay depends on whether you attended a hearing before it went into judgment.

  • For violations where you attended a hearing and didn’t get a default penalty, you may pay only 50% of the base fine amount.
  • If you failed to attend a hearing and got a default penalty, you must pay the full base fine amount of the violation, but your interest and default penalty will be waived.

If your amnesty application was approved, sign the agreement and write a check for the settlement amount payable to “NYC Department of Finance” for the amount you owe.

Mail the agreement and check to:

NYC Department of Finance
Awning and Accessory Sign Amnesty Program
59 Maiden Lane, 28th Floor
New York, NY  10038

Your agreement and payment must be postmarked no later than February 4, 2020. Online payments aren't accepted.

If you don’t resolve the violation and pay the amount of the base fine that you owe by the deadline, you will not be eligible for the amnesty and will be responsible for the full base fine, penalties, and interest.

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