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You can get information and a brochure about window guard requirements and window fall prevention. Buildings that have three or more apartments must provide and properly install approved window guards on all windows in apartments with children under 10 years of age. Windows leading onto fire escapes do not require guards.

The window guard requirement includes:

  • Windows on the 1st floor
  • Bathroom windows
  • Windows leading onto a balcony or terrace in an apartment

All common area hallway windows in buildings where children under 11 years of age reside

Apartments on the 1st floor, where there are fire escapes on the upper floors, can have one window that remains unguarded.

Window guard requirements apply to rental buildings, condominiums, and co-operative (co-op) apartments.


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Window guard requirements apply to condominiums.  In condominiums, windows are considered to be common space shared with all owners and all owners are responsible for compliance with the law through the corporation.

Some condos stipulate in their by-laws who is responsible for the installation and maintenance of the window guards. Such by-laws are an individual agreement between the corporation and the owner. Violations of the Health Code regarding window guard installations are cited against the corporation.

Window guard requirements apply to cooperative (co-op) apartments. The co-op corporation and its shareholders own the building and the corporation is responsible for the installation of window guards. Violations of the Health Code regarding window guard installations are cited against the corporation.

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