If you plan to install and maintain certain types of structures on, under, or over a City street or sidewalk, such as a stoop, a cellar door, a conduit, or an accessibility lift, you must apply to the City for a revocable consent. The City has the right to take away this permission at any time. 

You must submit plans to the City. The plans should be prepared by a licensed professional and meet the City's guidelines for dimensions and placement. The approval process usually takes between four and six months.

Revocable consents are granted by the Department of Transportation's Office of Franchises, Concessions, and Consents after extensive review by:

  • City agencies
  • Elected officials
  • Local Community Board
  • City's Public Design Commission

The revocable consent agreement requires the structure to be insured and the payment of an annual fee. You cannot sublet, assign, or transfer consent without first getting written approval from the City.

Learn more and apply for revocable consent.

Outdoor structures requiring a revocable consent include the following:

  • Bench 
  • Bridge 
  • Cellar Door 
  • Clock 
  • Electrical socket 
  • Fenced or walled-in area 
  • Flagpole 
  • Guard booth 
  • Guard rail 
  • Information sign or kiosk 
  • Litter basket for public use 
  • Overhead building projection exceeding building code allowance
  • Parking lot for private use 
  • Planted area, including any surrounding fence or wall 
  • Post, Pole or Bollard
  • Ramp  
  • Retaining wall 
  • Sidewalk plaque or logo 
  • Stoop and any other improvement adjacent to a building which is located in a historic district or which is an individual landmark 
  • Street lamp or fixture
  • Tunnel
  • Vestibule

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