PUREsoil NYC is a program operated by the Mayor’s Office of Environmental Remediation (MOER). This program focuses on recycling clean soil from construction projects in NYC for community uses, where it increases the resilience to the effects of climate change and improves the overall quality of the soil.

Under this program, the City will provide clean soil to community-based organizations to improve the quality of degraded soils in gardens, yards, and other open spaces. This will lower exposure to lead and other pollutants.

Clean soil will be used to create tidal and fresh water wetlands and embankments (such as berms and levees). Clean soil will also be used to raise the elevation of coastal land to reduce risks from sea level rise and stronger storm surges caused by climate change.

Learn more about PUREsoil NYC.

PUREsoil is a non-profit program. Soil is delivered free of charge.

PUREsoil and MOER will establish pilot Spotlight Communities in places such as:

  • East New York - Brooklyn
  • Greenpoint - Brooklyn
  • Hunt’s Point - The Bronx 
  • Long Island City - Queens

Spotlight Communities will work to bring local community organizations together to build soil distribution, education programs and manage a centralized clean soil stockpile for community use.

All recipients will have to participate in a pre-transfer conference with OER and the soil donor. The recipient will also have to be present at the receiving property on the day of the shipment and direct drivers on where to place the soil.

The soil should be covered by tarps to protect against dust and erosion, while extra steps may be needed to prevent drainage off the property during any heavy rain.

All soil should be put to use within one to three months.

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