The New York City Department of Environmental Protection (DEP), together with the Department of Housing, Preservation, and Development (HPD) and the Housing Development Corporation (HDC), is offering a water and sewer credit for eligible HPD- or HDC-assisted affordable multifamily housing projects. 

Eligible projects can receive a $250 credit per residential unit on their Fiscal Year 2018 water and sewer bill(s) on a first-come, first-serve basis. Enrollment is limited.

Only buildings with four (4) or more residential units that also meet additional criteria may qualify for the credit.  Eligible properties received the $250 per unit non-refundable credit on May 11, 2018.

Get more information:


Learn more about the Multi-Family Water Assistance Program (MWAP).

By Phone

Call 311 for assistance.

Buildings with four (4) or more residential units that also meet the following three (3) criteria, may qualify for the credit:


Rent Affordability: Average collectable rents (rental buildings) or maintenance fees (cooperatives) for the project must be affordable to households earning up to 60% of Area Median Income (AMI), using a Rent Roll, effective as of the date of application. The project can have income limits higher than 60% of AMI as long as the average collected rent is affordable to those earning up to 60% of AMI.

Use Restriction: Executed and recorded regulatory agreement or equivalent document with HPD or HDC with a minimum of 15 years remaining, restricting 100% of the residential units.


All buildings must demonstrate efficient water usage either through compliance with the Multifamily Conservation Program (MCP) or as evidenced by paying a metered water rate. Buildings that take the necessary steps to become compliant with the MCP conservation measures before the application deadline may apply. Buildings must be compliant with all applicable DEP and Water Board Regulations.


All buildings must be in good standing with the City, by demonstrating current payments, payment plans or evidence of engagement with the City to address these issues. HPD or HDC Asset Management will consider projects not current on their DEP and DOF bills on a case-by-case basis.


Enrollment in MWAP has closed. HPD provided the list of eligible customers to DEP.

Credit Distribution

Eligible properties received the $250 per unit non-refundable credit on May 11, 2018. The credit is labeled “NYC WATER BILL CREDIT”.

For metered buildings, the building will see the credit on the first water and sewer bill they receive after May 11, 2018.

For buildings billed on the MCP rate, they will see the credit on their next annual bill in late May 2018.

You can get more information about the Multi-Family Water Assistance Program (MWAP):

  • For existing buildings with an HPD regulatory agreement, contact
  • For existing buildings with an HDC regulatory agreement, or a joint HPD-HDC regulatory agreement, contact
  • For all city-assisted Mitchell Lama buildings, contact
  • Buildings not classified above can contact their assigned HPD or HDC Project Manager.

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