Public Assistance recipients can get information about job training, employment assistance and placement programs, including TXT-2-Work and Business Link.

Learn more about HRA’s Career Services for Public Assistance clients.

Your Career Services provider can help you explore training opportunities and connect you to free training and education programs.


Learn more about HRA's Career Training/Education programs.

By Phone

  • Agency: Human Resources Administration
  • Phone Number: (718) 557-1399
  • Business Hours: Monday - Friday: 8 AM - 5 PM
  • Staff is available through the automated phone system during business hours. Automated assistance is also available in Cantonese, Mandarin, Russian, and Spanish. Most languages are available through a staff person.

Human Resources Administration (HRA) offers a number of ways to help you get a job if you are on Public Assistance. They can connect you to HRA’s Business Link.

Business Link works to match employers with job seekers who have the critical skills needed to fill their employment vacancies. The program hosts several job fairs during the year and offers job opening alerts by text message through TXT-2-Work.


Learn more about Business Link.

Register to receive job opening alerts through TXT-2-Work or by email.

By Phone

Call 311 for assistance.

The Career Services program replaced the Back to Work program for Cash Assistance clients. Career Services are provided through the following programs:

  • CareerCompass: Works with adult clients to assess their skills and experience, and helps in finding employment, training, or education programs as well as internship and community service opportunities that suit their skills and goals.
  • YouthPathways: Works with clients ages 18 to 24 to assess their skills and experience; provides career, education, and training services; and helps clients find programs, including internships and community service, tailored to the needs of a younger population.
  • CareerAdvance: Offers career, education, and training services in specific industries and neighborhoods in New York City, or to groups such as those with limited English proficiency or older adults.

These programs will work closely with you to find opportunities that match your skills, needs, and career goals.


Visit HRA's Career Services page.

By Phone

  • Agency: Human Resources Administration
  • Phone Number: (718) 557-1399
  • Business Hours: Monday - Friday: 8 AM - 5 PM
  • Staff is available through the automated phone system during business hours. Automated assistance is also available in Cantonese, Mandarin, Russian, and Spanish. Most languages are available through a staff person.

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