You can get a collection of Health Bulletins, brochures and other guides that provide information and tips to lose weight and live a healthy life. The Department of Health and Mental Hygiene provides a Healthy Eating Packet with information on portion control and tips for making healthy choices.

The Packet covers topics that include:

  • Reducing salt
  • Losing and maintaining weight
  • Measuring calories
  • Exercising
  • Making smart choices while eating out
  • Controlling portion

Packets are available in many languages.


Get tips for adding more fruits and vegetables to your day.

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You can get information about simple eating and exercise strategies that lead to healthy, long-term weight loss. The “How to Lose Weight and Keep It Off” Health Bulletin from the Department of Health offers simple eating and exercise strategies that lead to healthy, long-term weight loss.

This Health Bulletin includes a list of 10 weight-loss tips and simple ways to change every day habits that can help you lose weight throughout the year.


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You can learn about sugary drinks, their health risks and healthier beverage alternatives, including:

  • What types of beverages are considered sugary drinks.
  • The ways in which sugary drinks are marketed.
  • Ideas for making healthier drink choices.


Learn more about nutrition and sugary drinks.

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You can get information and strategies to eat healthy when ordering food at restaurants or take-out places. The Department of Health and Mental Hygiene’s Health Bulletin, “Eating Out, Eating Well” offers ways to reduce portions and calories, by asking the right questions and making healthier choices when eating out or ordering to-go.


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You can get information about healthy alternatives to soda, juice and other sugary beverages.  The “Are You Pouring On the Pounds?” Health Bulletin, from the Department of Mental Health and Hygiene, talks about the dangers of sugary drinks and provides a list of popular beverages and the amount of sugar each contains.


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You can work with a local store to provide healthier foods in your community.

The Health Department's Shop Healthy NYC Program works with community groups, business owners, and individuals to increase healthy food offerings at neighborhood stores.            

The Adopt a Shop guide provides information for community groups and residents who want to support a neighborhood store in stocking healthy foods.                                                 

The Shop Healthy Implementation guide offers health departments and other groups guidance for implementing and managing a healthy food retail program.

The Shop Healthy NYC Postcard encourages local stores to offer healthier foods.


Learn more about Shop Healthy NYC.

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Get information about the health benefits of drinking New York City tap water. With the “NYC Water: Get Your Fill” Health Bulletin offered by the New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, you can find out how New York City tap water compares to other drinks, like diet sodas, sports drinks, and bottled water, and get facts about City’s water most people don’t know about.  

You can also get a list of times when drinking water makes sense and increase the amount of water you drink for a healthier lifestyle.


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