Community and Citywide Education Councils work with the Chancellor and district superintendents to review educational programs in each school district. 

There are 32 Community Education Councils in New York City. Each community school district that includes public Kindergarten through 8th grade must have a Community Education Council.

There are also four Citywide Education Councils that advocate for students in special populations, including:

  • High schools
  • English Language Learners
  • District 75
  • Special Education

The deadline to apply to serve on an Education Council was March 13, 2019.

Learn more about education councils.

Get information about Education Council elections.

Call 311 for assistance by phone.

All Community and Citywide Education Council members are selected for 2-year terms by the officers of the Parent Associations or Parent Teacher Associations (PA/PTAs) of the schools in their district.

  • February 14: Applicants can begin filling out the Education Council online application
  • March 13: Deadline to apply
  • March 25 to May 1: Candidate forums
  • May 2 to May 14: Voting begins online

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