Coronavirus (COVID-19) Alert

Assistance is not available in person or by phone at this time, but you can still get assistance by email.

Need something else?

You can contact a Department of Consumer Affairs (DCA) settlement officer before a scheduled hearing to get help settling or correcting (curing) a DCA violation.

To settle a DCA violation, you must admit the charge and pay a penalty. If you admit and pay, you do not have to attend your hearing.

You may be able to cure certain first-time charges without paying any penalty. To cure a violation, you must admit the charge and submit certification that you corrected the violation within 30 days of the inspection. You must settle or submit the cure certification before a hearing on the charge begins.

You may receive an "Offer of Settlement" letter that describes your settlement and payment options. This letter also includes information about curable violations, including how to submit a cure certification.

If you do not receive this letter in the mail before your hearing date, you can send an email or a text before your hearing to see if settlement is an option.


Learn about settling violations.

By Email

Send a message to to find out if settlement is an option.

If your business received a violation from the Department of Consumer Affairs (DCA), you can contact the department's business compliance counsel, who can help you with basic compliance and legal questions, including:

  • Violations on a Summons/Notice of Hearing 
  • Information about settlements
  • Laws and rules enforced by DCA
  • Preparing for a DCA inspection

The business compliance counsel will refer requests for a legal interpretation to the Legal Division.

The business compliance counsel will not:

  • Answer legal questions on the day of your scheduled hearing.
  • Provide legal advice.
  • Recommend any course of action.
  • Give a legal opinion about DCA's legal interpretations.

If you contact the business compliance counsel on the day of your hearing, the business compliance counsel will refer you to the Office of Administrative Trials and Hearings (OATH).

You can also get information about tobacco and K2 laws. For information about tobacco laws, go to the Tobacco Laws page.

By Phone

Coronavirus (COVID-19) Alert

Phone assistance is currently unavailable. Send an email to for assistance.

On the DCA website you can:

  • Live chat with a DCA representative
  • Learn about laws you need to know and obey
  • Learn about other licenses you might need
  • Download valuable publications, tips, and FAQs 
  • Request an inspection
  • Read checklists to learn what DCA inspectors look for in your industry and avoid violations
  • Learn how to handle consumer complaints 
  • Pay fines by credit card
  • Resolve a DCA violation
  • Update important business information, including your contact information, your name or business name, and corporate officer information
  • Request the replacement of a lost, stolen, or damaged DCA license document
  • Download DCA's model contracts and model receipts, required signs, and other templates

Go to the DCA Business Toolbox.

K2 is an illegal drug. Under federal, state, and City laws, selling K2 is illegal and can result in imprisonment, significant fines, and the suspension or revocation of a business's Tobacco Retail Dealer License.

Learn about K2, including related New York City laws.

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