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You can get information about Commercial Cyclist Legislation.

You can also report a business that employs cyclists to deliver food, packages or other items for not following Commercial Cyclist legislation. In order to file a report, a business name and address must be provided.

Working Bicycle Riders (Commercial Cyclists) are required to ride lawfully and respectfully.  Businesses that employ working cyclists are required to supply gear and other material, such as:

  • A bicycle helmet that meets ANSI or Snell Standards, bicycle lights, bells and reflectors
  • Displaying a Commercial Cyclist Safety poster visible to both employed cyclist and customers
  • Upper body garment with the business' name and bicycle operator identification number
  • A sign on the bicycle with business name and bicycle operator identification number
  • A business identification card with the cyclists' name, photo and the business name, address and telephone number  

For more details, see New York Administrative Code Law section 10-157: Bicycles used for commercial purposes.

Learn more about commercial bicycling rules and requirements.

Use of Motorized Scooters or Electric Bicycles

Motorized scooters or electric bicycles without a license plate are prohibited by City and State law. They are not allowed on public roadways. 

The City's Department of Transportation maintains New York City Traffic Rules and educates business owners and delivery cyclists on bicycle safety laws, including the commercial cyclist laws. 

The NYPD enforces these laws and the Traffic Rules.

Pedal-Assist Bicycles

Certain pedal-assist bicycles may be legally operated on New York City streets.  

Pedal-assist bicycles are defined as bicycles that have fully operable pedals and an electric motor of less than 750 watts (1 horsepower). The electric motor can only engage when the operator is pedaling and going less than 20 miles per hour, and disengages or stops to function when the operator brakes, stops pedaling, or when the bicycle reaches a speed of 20 miles per hour. Pedal-assist bicycles cannot be equipped with any throttle capacity or have additional motorized equipment attached to it.

The pedal-assist bicycle must have an original label, provided by the bicycle or electric motor manufacturer, that states the maximum motor-assisted speed and motor wattage of the bicycle. Pedal-assist bicycles that have been modified are not considered to be pedal-assist bicycles and may not be operated on NYC streets.

The Department of Transportation's Safety Education Unit hosts forums to educate business owners and delivery cyclists on the requirements of the Commercial Bicycle Safety Laws. 

Safety kits are distributed at the forums. 

The free kits include: 

  • Retro-reflective vests
  • Bells
  • Bicycle lights

Learn more about Commercial Cyclist Forums.

Safety Equipment

Business must install the following safety equipment on bicycles used by commercial cyclists:

  • A bell or other audible device
  • White headlight and red taillight
  • Reflectors
  • Brakes


A business must provide its commercial cyclists with a bicycle helmet that meets ANSI or Snell Standards which is in good physical condition and properly fitted.

The cyclists must wear these helmets securely fastened when riding on City streets.

Bicycle Signage

A business must attach a sign to its bicycles that identifies:

  • The business name 
  • The commercial cyclist’s three-digit identification number.   

The sign must be readable from 10 feet away.

Cyclist Identification and Upper Body Garment

A business must provide its commercial cyclists with two forms of identification, which include:

  • Upper body apparel: a jacket or a vest with the business' name and bicycle operator ID number printed on the back. The lettering and numbers must be readable from up to 10 feet. 
  • A business ID card with the cyclist's name and photo, as well as the business name, address and telephone number.

A Commercial Cyclist Safety Poster must be displayed by businesses that employ commercial cyclists. The poster lists general cycling rules and specific responsibilities of the business and the cyclist. 

Posters must be displayed in a location visible to both employed cyclists and customers. 

Poster Information

The poster must be at least 11 x 17 inches and contain 21-point type. You can view an example of the poster and download the required information online.

Learn more about commercial bicycling requirements for businesses.

Posters are available in:

  • English
  • Spanish
  • Chinese
  • Korean
  • Russian

You can report a business that does not comply with the Commercial Cyclist Legislation to the Department of Transportation (DOT).

In order to file a report to DOT, a business name and address must be provided.


Email the Department of Transportation.

By Phone

Call 311 for assistance.

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