Coronavirus (COVID-19) Alert

The Health Department is currently reviewing all complaints and responding primarily to those that pose an imminent threat to public health or safety.

Non-emergency complaints will be logged and responded to when regular operations resume.

Need something else?

You can make a complaint about any type of pet shop, including ones that only sell dogs and cats, for not following City and State rules.

You can report any pet shop for:

  • Unsanitary conditions
  • Operating without a permit
  • Selling, giving away, trading, displaying, transferring, or delivering rabbits
  • Failing to provide appropriate care to animals
  • Selling animals that are illegal in New York City
  • Operating without an Animal Handling Certificate

In addition, you can report a pet shop that sells dogs and cats for:

  • Selling a dog without a City dog license. This is only permitted if the buyer provides a written statement that the dog will live outside of New York City
  • Failing to microchip a dog or cat before it is sold and registering the microchip with the owner's contact information
  • Getting dogs and cats from a breeder that does not hold a US Department of Agriculture "Class A" license or have a good inspection history
  • Failing to provide a complete health and medical history about dogs and cats, including where the animals came from and the breeder's inspection history
  • Selling dogs or cats from a source prohibited by law
  • Failing to post signs about the availability of animal records
  • Failing to spay or neuter a dog or cat that weights more than 2 pounds at least 8 weeks before it is sold

Pet Store Selling an Unhealthy Animal

Pet dealers in New York State are required by law to guarantee the good health of the pets they sell. 

You can report any type of business selling animals that are unfit for purchase because they are ill, have hereditary deformities, or have diseases.


Report a business selling sick or deformed animals.

Learn about the State Pet Lemon Law regarding the sale of sick animals.

By Phone

  • Agency: New York State Attorney General
  • Division: New York State Attorney General Local Office
  • Phone Number: (212) 416-8000
  • Business Hours: Monday - Friday: 9 AM - 5 PM

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