You can make a complaint about noise from a helicopter that is flying too low, hovering, or passing by on unapproved tour routes Citywide.

You can get information about the New York City Helicopter Sightseeing Plan. It addresses concerns from the local community and elected officials about the impact of helicopter sightseeing flights from the Downtown Manhattan Heliport on surrounding neighborhoods.

The New York City Economic Development Corporation (NYCEDC) developed the plan in cooperation with the Helicopter Tourism and Jobs Council and local tour operators.

Learn about the New York City Helicopter Sightseeing Plan.

Hours of Operation

Sightseeing hours of operation for air tour companies are:

Monday - Saturday: 9 AM - 7 PM

Approved Helicopter Tour Routes

All air tour operators must follow one of two tour routes. All sightseeing helicopters will depart and approach the Downtown Manhattan Heliport from the south, maximizing aircraft distances from Brooklyn Bridge Park. Helicopters will then follow the center of the Hudson River north to either 79th Street, or Yankee Stadium, before returning south center-west of the Hudson River.

All flights will fly over the Hudson River at 1,500 feet or above in order to reduce noise, barring any Federal Aviation Administration restrictions.

The New York City Economic Development Council (NYCEDC) tracks tourist helicopters for compliance with the New York City Helicopter Sightseeing Plan. 

They do not have any oversight over NYPD, news, or filming helicopters.

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