Call 911
Call 911 to report an accident or immediate danger.

Need something else?

You can report building demolition that is illegal, unsafe, or done without a permit.

You can report building demolition without a permit.

You can report building demolition that is illegal, unsafe, or done without adequate shoring or support. Violations are issued when appropriate.

Shoring refers to the process of supporting a building or structure when it is in danger of collapse, during repairs, or during alterations. Shoring may be vertical, angled, or horizontal. It is commonly used when installing the foundation of a building. A shoring system will support the surrounding loads until the underground levels of the building are constructed.

Include in your report, if possible:

  • If a permit is posted
  • What is unsafe
  • Type of protection
  • If notification was given to the surrounding homes or businesses
  • Type of work performed
  • If beams are set in place at the excavation site

Call 311 to report the problem.

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