You can file a complaint to the Department of Sanitation about signs, stickers, or decals posted on:

  • Public property
  • The exterior of private buildings, visible from the street
  • City-owned grassy areas adjacent to a street

Your complaint must include the name, address, and phone number on the poster/sticker, as well as the exact location of the poster/sticker.

Postings are not removed from scaffolding, wood or metal construction fencing, sheds, or barricades.

Sanitation does not accept complaints about posters attached to private buildings. In addition, complaints are not accepted about posters or fliers that are:

  • Put up by government agencies or Community Boards
  • Announcing street closures or no parking for movie filming

Please note that property owners may give permission for a sticker to be posted on their property.

Sanitation will respond in 3 to 7 business days and may remove illegal postings. Sanitation will not remove stickers from private property – removal is the sole responsibility of the property owner or property manager.

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