Coronavirus (COVID-19) Alert

Large events requiring a City permit are canceled through September 30th, including:

  • Parades
  • Concerts
  • Rallies
  • Large gatherings

The City will not issue permits for:

  • Events in parks that unreasonably diminish public use
  • Events larger than one block
  • Events that interfere with Open Streets or Open Restaurant areas
  • Stage/video events requiring amplification
  • Street fairs

There are exceptions for:

  • Demonstrations
  • Hygiene stations
  • Medical sites
  • Press conferences
  • Religious events

Citywide Events Calendar

You can get information about recreational and cultural events held in New York City, including:

  • Fairs
  • Festivals
  • Parades
  • Exhibitions
  • Road races
  • Government meetings

Find an event on the Citywide Events Calendar.

Street Events

Permits are required for street activities such as block parties, parades, protests, and street fairs. Street events are issued permits by the Community Affairs Unit, with advice from local Community Boards. 

Find an Event in a Park

You can get information about events sponsored by the Department of Parks and Recreation, including athletic, educational, cultural, and artistic events, as well as free events and events for children.

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