Coronavirus (COVID-19) Alert

All Workforce1 Career Centers are closed until further notice. You can still get services online.

Access the Virtual Workforce1 Career Center System.

Get COVID-19 guidance for jobseekers.

Through Workforce1 Career Centers, you can receive free professional employment and training services that can help you find a job or develop your career.

You can get:

  • Help finding a job in the private or public sectors
  • Information about job fairs and recruitment events
  • Help writing a resume
  • Help preparing for interviews
  • Job readiness classes, including English as a Second Language (ESL) and GED
  • Information about vouchers to pay for job training
  • Career advancement coaching if you are already employed and want to increase your pay and benefits

Non-profit organizations also offer a range of services to help job seekers and workers. Each non-profit offers a different set of services, and some locations have eligibility restrictions. You should call the organization or check their website for detailed information.

Use Site Finder to search for a Workforce1 Career Center.

Learn about Workforce1.

Register for Workforce1 assistance and services.

You can also use the ACCESS NYC benefit tool to pre-screen for Workforce1 and other programs and learn how to apply. Visit the Access NYC website.

The East New York Workforce1 Career Center provides professional employment services that prepare participants to succeed in job searches and careers. Specialized services are available for individuals involved in the criminal justice system and for out-of-school, out-of-work youth aged 18 to 24.

Assistance at this center includes:

  • Help finding a job
  • Help writing a resume
  • Help preparing for interviews
  • Matching job seekers to employers
  • Services for individuals involved in the criminal justice system
  • Employment Essentials workshop
  • Professional development workshops for youth
  • Assisting with barriers to employment
  • Individualized criminal justice career advisement
  • Outbound referrals to community partners for access to training, education, or other services

Brownsville and East New York Workforce1 Career Center is located at:

2619 Atlantic Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11207
Monday - Friday: 8:30 AM - 5 PM

You can get more information by phone.

Call 311 for assistance.

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